
Venus: Texture Maps:
VT Venus Surface Map (128K)

Summary:128K VT Venus surface map textures, Levels 0-7.
Description:This is the reworking of the 1991 Venus Magellan C1-MIDRs compresed DATA:

Reworked to fill in missing data and remove the stripes from the radar data, see the README for details on that.

The Virtual Textures in this add on are levels 0 (2048x1024) all the way up to level 7
(a HUGE 131072 x 65536 12.6 Gig map!).

Just extract each zip file into your celestia root folder.

Note: This version (2.0) replaces the former 32K textures (V1.0).
Addon Homepage:
Creator:John van Vliet
Added:2007-06-19 13:07
Last modified:2012-04-26 18:58
Level 0-3 PNG/CTX/SSC 59.30 MB
Level 4 PNG 162.09 MB
Level 5 (Part 1) PNG 344.52 MB
Level 5 (Part 2) PNG 334.86 MB
Level 6 (Part 1) PNG 720.43 MB
Level 6 (Part 2) PNG 765.16 MB
Level 6 (Part 3) PNG 719.91 MB
Level 6 (Part 4) PNG 723.05 MB
Level 7 (Part 1) PNG 793.61 MB
Level 7 (Part 2) PNG 795.67 MB
Level 7 (Part 3) PNG 803.18 MB
Level 7 (Part 4) PNG 810.97 MB
Level 7 (Part 5) PNG 830.46 MB
Level 7 (Part 6) PNG 846.54 MB
Level 7 (Part 7) PNG 846.45 MB
Level 7 (Part 8) PNG 835.05 MB
Level 7 (Part 9) PNG 813.16 MB
Level 7 (Part 10) PNG 789.37 MB
Level 7 (Part 11) PNG 789.54 MB
Level 7 (Part 12) PNG 792.69 MB
Level 7 (Part 13) PNG 801.03 MB
Level 7 (Part 14) PNG 791.97 MB
Level 7 (Part 15) PNG 797.06 MB
Level 7 (Part 16) PNG 798.80 MB

Comments by visitors:

2018-02-27 05:20
#6 SuperSpaceMan
Fantastic detail! This was very good, though a lot of my memory was used up. The immense detail of the map was worth it though. Keep up the good work!
2015-02-13 14:27
#5 anonymous
Superb! Thank-you very much.
2015-01-04 11:26
#4 anonymous
Excellent, though I ended up downloading only up to level 3 to preserve disk space.
2012-09-03 18:07
#3 anonymous
Beautiful! I could not believe how detailed this is!
(It takes forever to download, though; each section took about 1 hour)
2012-07-10 22:00
#2 AloEnergia
Absolutely beautiful! Thank you :-) I look forward to this level of detail & beyond for all objects that spacecraft have gathered such data.
2009-11-05 00:46
#1 Astroboy
Who knew black-and-white could look so good on Venus? This is also one of the highest-resolution models I've ever seen. In fact, you might even mistake one of these things with the display off as an actual photograph. home page