Fictional: Solar Systems, Planets, etc.:
Summary: | Imaginary solar system around the star Alaraph. |
Description: | This system contains 10 objects (planets and moons), all with bump-maps, and some of them with cloud, specular and night maps. Before installation, please download ALL of the four parts of the Alaraph System add-on. You will find installation instructions in the Read Me file which is included in part 4. Use the ENTER-TYPE NAME-ENTER method to get to Alaraph, then use the Solar System Browser to display all objects under Celestia's built-in Navigation Menu. |
Addon Homepage: | |
Creator: | Shcuf |
Version: | 1.0 |
License: | This add-on is free to use, for non-commercial purposes. |
Added: | 2007-12-12 20:00 |
Last modified: | 2010-11-21 17:22 |
Comments by visitors:
2010-11-21 19:45
#4 JTK
Small system with moons too near of their planets !!!
2010-11-21 19:34
#3 Simon
Textures seen it all before ;(
2010-05-04 06:03
#2 Ian M
Very good textures. I like this add-on.
2007-12-12 22:23
#1 Cham
At last, some imaginative and good quality textures without noticeable polar pinch effects ! Recalls me Rassilon stuff. If only the textures were 4K PNG, instead of 2K JPG. Some atmosphere are exagerated or don't match the textures very well, but this is a good fantasy addon anyway.