
Fictional: Solar Systems, Planets, etc.:
OTS 44

Summary:The fictional OTS 44 system.
Description:The brown dwarf OTS 44 is not in Celestia. The planets are fictional, but the brown dwarf has a disk of gas and dust around it, so there is a good chance that the brown dwarf has a fully-developed planetary system. OTS 44 was discovered in 2005. This add-on works with both 1.5.0pre4 and 1.5.0pre5. To install, simply place the OTS 44 folder in your Celestia\extras directory. To view, use the ENTER-TYPE NAME-ENTER method to get to OTS 44. Then, use Celestia's built-in Solar System Browser under the Navigation Menu to view all objects in this system.
Addon Homepage:
License:The intended use of and/or any modifications of this addon are permitted for the Celestia program only.
Added:2008-01-10 23:21
Last modified:2008-04-02 13:01
OTS 44 JPG/PNG 2.17 MB

Comments by visitors:

2010-03-14 17:15
#2 anonymous
You should check out the add-on called "rao". It is a near identical copy of this OTS 44 system.
2009-02-21 04:05
#1 anonymous
the light from the dwarf star makes the planets seem so eerie, pretty nice! :) home page