
Scripts: Other:
The Zodiac

Summary:These scripts take you to the Constellations of the Zodiac.
Description:This add-on requires Celestia v1.6.1!

These scripts take you to the constellations of the Zodiac, in 3 parts. In Part 1, the Zodiac will be introduced to you, describing the history and some astronomical background information. In Part 2, all individual constellations of the Zodiac will be visited with a short description of the star patterns. Finally in Part 3, you can sit back and watch the beautiful images of the Constellations of the Zodiac, by Johan Hevelius.

The Base package contains Marco's CELX scripts and documentation.
The Hires50 package contains Jestr's Johan Hevelius images of the constellations, adjusted to high-resolution and 50% opacity.
The Lores50 package contains Jestr's Johan Hevelius images of the constellations, adjusted to low-resolution and 50% opacity.

Modifications version 1.2 by Marco Klunder, 8 July 2011.
* Changed rendering and control of overlay elements in the corners of the screen.
* Adjusted Zodiac constellation colors.
* Planet orbit rendering replace by Ecliptic.
* Bugfix and observer zoom adjustment in part 1 in "Ecliptic" section.
* Minor bugfix in part 1 in "The advance of the Spring Equinox Point" section.
* Adjustments in part 1 section about the "Precession of the equinoxes".
* Redesign of 'The Constellations of the Zodiac' section:
- Rendering with markers replaced by asterisms.
- Additional alternative asterisms added.
- Highlighted yellow actual Constellation.
- Adjusted timing and other minor changes.
* Minor other Celestia version 1.6.1 and CELX adjustments.
* Bugfix regarding CAP sensitive Operating Systems for the Johan Hevelius Add-on.
Addon Homepage:
Creator:Marco Klunder
License:Included in the files
Added:2008-05-15 21:06
Last modified:2011-07-16 22:29
Base Package (english) 2.84 MB
Hires50 (english) 68.05 MB
Lores50 (english) 27.26 MB
Base Package (dutch) 2.84 MB
Hires50 (dutch) 68.05 MB
Lores50 (dutch) 27.26 MB

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