Fictional: Star Trek:
Summary: | Orion was the home world of the Orion species. |
Description: | Version 2.0: Re-did the planets. Borrowed a couple cool textures from Fugazi's Vega Colony addon. This planetary system was in the Orion sector. (TNG: "Conspiracy") The planet Orion once harbored a highly-advanced civilization whose history has drawn great interest from Federation historians and archaeologists alike. During the mid-23rd century, noted Federation archaeologist Dr. Roger Korby translated medical records from the Orion ruins that helped revolutionize modern immunization techniques and were required reading at Starfleet Academy. (TOS: "What Are Little Girls Made Of?") In 2269, through the assistance of the Guardian of Forever, Star Fleet officers Captain James Kirk, Commander Spock and historian Lieutenant Erikson traveled to the dawn of Orion's civilization to view the planet's history unfold firsthand. (TAS: "Yesteryear") Devna, an Orion trapped in Elysia, told Kirk that she wished to return through the time barrier and see Orion again. Kirk offered to take her back with him, but she declined, stating that she had accepted where she now was in life. (TAS: "The Time Trap") In 2372, Ferengi entrepreneur Quark attempted to smuggle kemocite on a highly-profitable side trip to Orion under the guise of taking his ship, Quark's Treasure, on a test flight to Earth. This proved to be unsuccessful due to sabotage. (DS9: "Little Green Men") Orion I is the first planet in the Orion system, location of a prestigious Institute of Cosmology. Crewman Mortimer Harren had hoped to attend the Institute of Cosmology there, and thus signed onto the USS Voyager because a year of field experience was required for admittance. (VOY: "Good Shepherd") Orion III was the third planet of the Orion system. As part of a vision quest, Tom Paris told Chakotay that word had just come in from Vegas, Mars and Orion III that the odds were 33:1 that Kid Chaos would outpoint him and 11:1 that he'd be knocked out by the fifth round. (VOY: "The Fight") NOTE: Please view Tim's readme.txt file for instructions concerning the installation and usage of this add-on. |
Addon Homepage: | http://www.geocities.com/fungun/ |
Creator: | fungun |
Version: | 2.0 |
License: | This add-on is the creation of Tim Wilson. It is free for non-commercial use. If modified or used in other ways, please ask for permission. |
Added: | 2008-06-12 22:20 |
Last modified: | 2010-06-13 20:09 |
Download: | |
Orion System SSC/CMOD/JPG/PNG | 19.61 MB |