Fictional: Star Trek:
Summary: | Three of the nine Sigma Draconis System planets are of the Class-M type. |
Description: | Sigma Draconis III is the third planet in the Sigma Draconis system. Sigma Draconis IV is the fouth planet in the Sigma Draconis system. Sigma Draconis VI is the sixth planet in the Sigma Draconis system. Version 2: Updated textures and system layout Do not use the OpenGL 2.0 render path when viewing Tim's addons. It is not needed and it makes the water look blocky. They look just fine in the other render paths. NOTE: Please view Tim's readme.txt file for installation and usage instructions. Please also note that Tim's instructions need to be slightly modified here. You must type "Sig Dra" when using Celestia's ENTER-TYPE NAME-ENTER method in order to get to the appropriate star system. You may then use the Solar System Browser under the Navigation menu in order to view all objects included in this system. |
Addon Homepage: | http://www.geocities.com/fungun/ |
Creator: | fungun |
Version: | 2.0 |
License: | This add-on is the creation of Tim Wilson. It is free for non-commercial use only. If modified or used in other ways, please ask for permission. You MUST ask permission to add spacecraft models (that are exclusive to my addons) to your addons if you plan to re-distribute them. |
Added: | 2008-06-23 20:41 |
Last modified: | 2010-07-28 14:16 |
Download: | |
Sigma Draconis system CMOD/JPG/PNG/SSC | 62.28 MB |
Comments by visitors:
2010-07-29 06:30
#4 Nemeton
The twice haven't allright, in the given link by fungun (click on sigma draconis III, IV or VI), we saw on the picture that the fourth planet has no moon.
The fifth and the sixth are OK.
The fifth and the sixth are OK.
2010-07-28 22:07
#3 fungun
No, the 3rd planet has no moon, the 4th has 2 moons. You looking at the right addon?
See this link-
See this link-
2010-07-28 18:30
#2 B2012
Great error, the fourth planet has no moon, and the fifth has one moon (see TOS: "Spock's Brain" on the bridge when USS Enterprise arrives in this system) .
2010-07-28 17:27
#1 J.T.K.
Great system, but the second planet is colder than the third ???