Fictional: Star Trek:
Summary: | A small system with Starbase 201. |
Description: | Merak II was a planet in Federation space, in the Merak system. In 2269 the planet experienced a bacterial botanical plague. The plague was treated with a toxic ore, known as zenite, which was acquired by the USS Enterprise. (TOS: "The Cloud Minders") In 2370, Quark claimed that Elim Garak had a sizing scanner from Merak II. (DS9: "The Wire") Starbase 201 was a Federation starbase. It had personnel who specialized in xenobiology and exopsychology. In 2371, Starfleet Command decided that a young Jem'Hadar found on Deep Space 9 was to be brought to Starbase 201 for study. (DS9: "The Abandoned") V2: Updated textures and Starbase 201 |
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Creator: | fungun |
Version: | 2.0 |
License: | This add-on is the creation of Tim Wilson. It is free for non-commercial use only. If modified or used in other ways, please ask for permission. You MUST ask permission to add spacecraft models (that are exclusive to my addons) to your addons if you plan to re-distribute them. |
Added: | 2008-12-06 00:06 |
Last modified: | 2010-04-15 14:56 |
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Merak System SSC/CMOD/JPG | 34.75 MB |