Fictional: Star Trek:
Summary: | Hi-res version contains only PNG images and requires BOTH zip files. |
Description: | This add-on includes T'Khut (Charis), Shesh'hin, M'shash'na, Va'nuph, Sovhelk, T'hyla, Vulcan, the Imense Class Starbase, a Peregrine Fighter, and a Vulcan Shuttle. Use the ENTER-TYPE NAME-ENTER method to get to 40 Eri. Depending on which version of Celestia you are using, you may not see anything, but you can then explore these planets and other objects using the Solar System Browser within Celestia's built-in Navigation Menu. NOTE: You may wish to rename the 3DS and graphics files so that they use lower-case file extensions. Some systems will not display models correctly when using upper-case file extensions. |
Addon Homepage: | |
Creator: | Jestr |
Version: | unknown |
License: | See various Read Me text files included. |
Added: | 2004-11-04 20:24 |
Last modified: | 2008-06-10 09:40 |
Download: | |
Lo-res JPG with data files | 33.44 MB |
Hi-res PNG textures only | 175.36 MB |
Comments by visitors:
2012-06-18 13:21
#6 anonymous
Quote from TOS Season 1 Ep. 1, 'The Man Trap':
"vulcan has no moon."
"vulcan has no moon."
2011-08-25 07:12
#5 anonymous
My only beef is the glitch with the cloud layer on vulcan. It turns the planet red, as have some other downloads, when you have the cloud layer selected.
2011-06-15 23:02
#4 anonymous
Did you read the note in the description? This maybe should help.
2011-06-11 19:43
#3 Tiki1977
When i download the texture download, it won't work! @below I agree..
2010-04-18 02:08
#2 rdrugh
add on doesnt work, no actual opject appears, the solar system orbits the barycenter between 2 stars (neither of which is 40 Eridani) with no actual central star. and the planets are non-existant objects. I hate to say it, but im not impressed.
2005-05-30 16:51
#1 John M. Dollan
This is a great add-on. I especially like the appearance of Vulcan; it somehow seems more realistic, and is definitely more eye-catching, than other representations that I have seen.