Fictional: Star Trek:
Summary: | Medium StarTrek Systems. |
Description: | Volume 1 includes the systems of Algeron, Alpha Majoris, and the Alpha Onias System. Volume 2 includes the systems of Altair, Beta Aurigae, and the Borka System (v2 with redone textures and layouts.). Volume 3 includes the systems of Canopus, Cor Caroli, and the Eta Cassiopeiae System (Updated the Eta Cassiopeiae system in volume 3 to include the SS Conestoga, v2a with updated textures and system layouts). Volume 4 includes the systems of Gamma Hydrae, Maxia Zeta, and the Mira System. Volume 5 includes the systems of Mizar, Neural, and the Thalos System (v2 with updated textures and layouts). If you have previously downloaded any of these add-ons delete them and download this update. Also, please see the "addonreadme" in each individual system's folder for more info. Do not use the OpenGL 2.0 render path when viewing funguns addons. It is not needed. |
Addon Homepage: | |
Creator: | fungun |
Version: | 2.0 |
License: | This add-on is the creation of Tim Wilson. It is free for non-commercial use only. If modified or used in other ways, please ask for permission. You must ask permission to add spacecraft models (that are exclusive to my addons) to your addons if you plan to distribute them. |
Added: | 2010-02-15 00:23 |
Last modified: | 2011-07-11 21:44 |
Download: | |
Volume 1 (upd v2) SSC/STC/JPG/PNG | 94.73 MB |
Volume 2 (upd v2) SSC/STC/JPG/PNG/3DS | 94.66 MB |
Volume 3 (upd v2a) SSC/STC/JPG/PNG | 77.36 MB |
Volume 4 (upd v2) SSC/STC/JPG/PNG | 114.10 MB |
Volume 5 (upd v2) SSC/STC/JPG/PNG | 141.88 MB |
Comments by visitors:
2010-11-03 03:02
#5 fungun
I have been informed of a slight problem with the Altair system scc file. For Altair III the BumpMap "Chinookw-bump.jpg" should read BumpMap "Chinookw-bump.png" I am sorry for the mix up.
2010-03-28 00:05
#4 Reiko
You've been working overtime. Keep them coming. :)
2010-02-15 21:09
#3 fungun
1.The stars I added to Celestia is from the "Star Trek Star Charts" book.
2.I only use the stars.dat file that comes with Celestia 1.6.0, I do not use the other stars.dat files that are on the Motherload. (so I have fewer stars)
3.There is no "canon" referance to go by with a few of the stars from the Star Trek universe, except the before mentioned "Star Chart" book, and it's far from perfect.
4.Therefore the stars are where they are. : )
2.I only use the stars.dat file that comes with Celestia 1.6.0, I do not use the other stars.dat files that are on the Motherload. (so I have fewer stars)
3.There is no "canon" referance to go by with a few of the stars from the Star Trek universe, except the before mentioned "Star Chart" book, and it's far from perfect.
4.Therefore the stars are where they are. : )
2010-02-15 19:42
#2 Peter
I don't agree with the previous comment on textures : textures are really badly looking in Celestia, and it isn't a video card problem !
2010-02-15 16:47
#1 J.T.K.
They are many problems on your first add-ons.
1° Algeron
You put this star in federation space and not near Romulan empire.
The way is good but the distance is bad.
2° Alpha Onias
It is the same problem than algeron.
Bet Pic is at 111 LY and Alpha Eri at 205 LY, it's too far.
More, you don't take real stars on celestia's catalog.
Please, rectify your stellar data.
However the textures are good !
1° Algeron
You put this star in federation space and not near Romulan empire.
The way is good but the distance is bad.
2° Alpha Onias
It is the same problem than algeron.
Bet Pic is at 111 LY and Alpha Eri at 205 LY, it's too far.
More, you don't take real stars on celestia's catalog.
Please, rectify your stellar data.
However the textures are good !