Fictional: Solar Systems, Planets, etc.:
Summary: | The Avatar System is a fictional star system made based on movie Avatar by James Cameron. |
Description: | This add-on contains high-quality textures. Some were found on the Internet with no credits at all, and were remade for some other purpose. The star Avatar was created by modifying Runar Thorvaldsen's star textures. |
Addon Homepage: | |
Creator: | Milosz21 |
Version: | 2.0 |
License: | Creative Commons License |
Added: | 2010-02-27 23:56 |
Last modified: | 2011-07-09 17:54 |
Download: | |
Avatar System JPG/PNG/STC | 73.74 MB |
Comments by visitors:
2017-05-30 08:07
#14 anonymous
In textures, there is no file Pandora.*
2013-05-21 13:39
#13 Pablo
Pandora! I dowloaded this addon and its amazing recommened to dowload.
2012-06-12 00:34
#12 skc
I like this add-on. I agree with a previous comment that the system maybe a wee bit unstable gravitationally but hey it's great nevertheless.
Well done!
Well done!
2011-06-27 05:18
#11 Dylan
I'd really appreciate it if you could name what star this around, bencause if your gonna use a fake star then the least you couldl do od tell what fake one it is.
2011-01-24 01:14
#10 F-14
Very nice addon! However, I opened the file Avatar_System.ssc and changed all where it says "Avatar" to "Rigel Kentaurus A". Then I deleted the folder th_Avatar containing the fictious star. Now I have the avatar system orbiting Alpha Centauri A.
2010-10-04 21:11
#9 Gorynya
It looks very nice! But were is Alpha Centauri A system? :)
2010-05-28 17:34
#8 avatar
very nice, but the book is written avatars that pandora has polar ice caps and floating are two other gaseous planets in the system over to Polyphemus ...
2010-05-13 14:23
#7 anonymous
I love the detail of your addon. However, I'm not sure this system would be gravitationally stable over geologic time. The moons make terrifyingly close passes that would rapidly destabilize the orbits. Tides on Pandora itself would be apocolyptic. Not suitable for the billions of years needed for evolution.
2010-03-01 19:55
#6 Reiko
Wonderful! :)
2010-03-01 12:50
#5 anonymous
Guys, it's fiction. The author of the add-on can make this stuff up as his or her discretion.
2010-02-28 23:49
#4 anonymous
according to the game the Moon of Pandora orbits a planet in the Alpha Centauri A system. thats why it took the ship 5 years to get there (sublight velocity)
2010-02-28 23:41
#3 Douglas
Great quality textures, looks great!
But i agree to J.T.K., and two more things: Polyphemus is more blue, is smaller than jupiter (you put it too big!) and pandora is a bit smaller than earth...
But i agree to J.T.K., and two more things: Polyphemus is more blue, is smaller than jupiter (you put it too big!) and pandora is a bit smaller than earth...
2010-02-28 16:02
#2 Stranger
It's wrong! in the files in the PC game Avatar was written that there are several planets. with names which are close by meanings to ours.
2010-02-28 07:08
#1 J.T.K.
Good job but :
1° Why didn't you take real star ?
At 20 LY, you have TYC 1444-1639-1, a G1V with 1.3 RSun and 1.80 LSun.
2° Pandore is too hot (279 °K) and its texture has a lot of ice !
3° The avatar system has only one planet, You can do better for this.
1° Why didn't you take real star ?
At 20 LY, you have TYC 1444-1639-1, a G1V with 1.3 RSun and 1.80 LSun.
2° Pandore is too hot (279 °K) and its texture has a lot of ice !
3° The avatar system has only one planet, You can do better for this.