Scripts: Utility Scripts and Educational Resources:
Summary: | A script that makes it easier to travel to spacecrafts with limited time-lines. |
Description: | Replaces the default Celestia "Goto", but only for spacecrafts. Reacts to [Shift] + [G]; shows a message and a menu if the currently selected object is a spacecraft and if the current simulation time is outside the spacecrafts lifetime. See the readme for more details. V2.1: Changed a few cosmetic and other aspects in the way the menu prints. |
Addon Homepage: | http://sites.google.com/site/janscelestia/home/goto-spacecraft |
Creator: | Jan Stegehuis |
Version: | 2.1 |
License: | Jan allows the Motherlode to freely distribute this script. It contains no third party components. |
Added: | 2011-02-28 19:14 |
Last modified: | 2011-04-25 14:23 |
Download: | |
Spacecraft Goto CELX | 6.66 kB |
Comments by visitors:
2011-03-11 05:29
#1 SpaceTaZ
Excellent sccript for viewing spacecraft additions.