Fictional: Solar Systems, Planets, etc.:
Summary: | A fictional vision of the planets in this extra-solar system. |
Description: | This is SolanaBogon's vision of the HD 89943 system. It contains: -Eldof (HD 82943 b), a sulfurous cloud jovian -Zilta (HD 82943 c), a water cloud jovian -Birnak, an icy moon around Zilta, which has arboured forms of life. The ice that covers it protect it from the HD 82943 rays, however the moon would be too warm. |
Addon Homepage: | |
Creator: | SolanaBogon |
Version: | 1.0 |
License: | This is add-on is free to use, but it's forbidden to use it for commercial reasons. |
Added: | 2012-01-13 15:14 |
Last modified: | 2012-01-14 11:29 |
Download: | |
HD 89953 System SSC/JPG/PNG | 9.45 MB |