Spacecraft: Other:
Summary: | The mission of the Near Earth Asteroids Rendevouz spacecraft and its asteroids. |
Description: | Features: - NEAR trajectory from cruise to Eros until landing on the asteroid. The first few months are represented with an ssc-defined orbit, since no orbital data is avaliable from Horizons. The orbit around Eros is broken up into 3 segments, so the orbits won't cluster your screen when rendered. NEAR is rendered lying on the surface of Eros after landing. - Textured cmod mesh for NEAR including specular and normal effects. - High-resolution shape model and texture for Eros. Note that the texture does not perfectly map on the asteroid because of its highly irregular shape. - Timeline for Eros defining a sampled orbit during NEAR mission and ssc-defined orbit outside this timeframe. - Asteroid Mathilde is also included, mesh and texture are from the "Asteroid Model Replacements" addon by Jestr on the Motherlode. |
Addon Homepage: | |
Creator: | FarGetaNik |
Version: | 1.0 |
License: | cc-by-sa |
Added: | 2016-10-13 10:41 |
Last modified: | 2016-10-19 22:45 |
Download: | |
NEAR-Shoemaker spacecraft SSC/XYZV/CMOD/JPG | 8.83 MB |