Fictional: Solar Systems, Planets, etc.:
Summary: | Fictional Rigel Kentaurus B System. (Alpha Centauri B System) |
Description: | This add-on creates a fictional system around Rigel Kentaurus B. To install, simply copy all files to the Celestia\extras\RS Rigel Kentaurus B v3 folder. To view, use the ENTER-TYPE NAME-ENTER method to get to Rigel Kentaurus B. Then, you can use Celestia's built-in Solar System Browser under the Navigation Menu to view all of the objects in this system. Please NOTE that the CEL:// URL's included with this add-on may not work in versions of Celestia after 1.4.1. |
Addon Homepage: | http://members.chello.nl/r.sanders20/productions/ |
Creator: | Rob Sanders |
Version: | 3 |
License: | Freeware. |
Added: | 2004-11-04 20:24 |
Last modified: | 2008-04-02 18:53 |
Download: | |
Rigel Kentaurus B v3 CMS/JPG/PNG | 5.62 MB |
Comments by visitors:
2012-08-23 04:12
#4 anonymous
I love this add-on! VEry realistic, and good textures too. I especially like Darwin, Hawking and Witten.
I think its ironic how Sagan, a dead, airless rock gets named after the guy who pioneered interest in the possibility of extraterrestrials. :1
I think its ironic how Sagan, a dead, airless rock gets named after the guy who pioneered interest in the possibility of extraterrestrials. :1
2009-10-13 23:41
#3 anonymous
Neumann is an important mathematician.
2009-06-10 21:52
#2 Friendship7
I like Hawking and Darwin a lot. On Darwin i like the creative "Green Venus" textures, and on Hawking i like it how its like a cloudless Titan.
2008-04-03 16:55
#1 Tommy jb
i like the names of the moons and planets.
ive heard of Einstein, Hawking, Newton and Not so sure of neuman.
no idea about the rest
ive heard of Einstein, Hawking, Newton and Not so sure of neuman.
no idea about the rest