Spacecraft: Other:
Summary: | Spirit and Opportunity rovers. |
Description: | This add-on combines two other add-ons representing Spirit and Opportunity while in flight to Mars from the Earth, and with the Spirit and Opportunity Rovers on the surface of Mars. Spirit was launched from the Earth on 6/10/2003 at 18:37 PM UT. It arrived at Mars and entered the landing phase on January 4, 2004 at 17:30 PM UT. By 17:35 UT, it was on the ground at the Gusev crater. To see Spirit in flight, you must set your Celestia date to a time between 6/10/2003 at 18:37 UT and 01/04/2004 at 17:30 UT. To see Spirit on the ground, you must visit the ground site in Gusev crater any time after January 4, 2004 at 17:35 PM. Opportunity was launched on July 8, 2003 at 5:18 AM UT and landed on Mars at the Meridiani Planum on 01/25/2004 at 17:05 PM UT. To see Opportunity in flight, you must Celestia's time to between these two dates. To see Opportunity on the ground at Meridiani Planum, set the time in Celestia to anytime after 01/25/2004 at 17:05 UT. Note: The add-on models folder contains two different models of Spirit and Opportunity. One has blue solar panels and the other has gray ones. To interchange these, open the MER.ssc file in your Celestia\extras folder and change the name of the Mesh. To install this package in Celestia, read Jack's instructions in the Add-on_Read-me.txt file. NOTE: To view these models on the surface of Mars in the latest versions of Celestia, you will need to modify your SSC files as described in the Celestia Forum topic located HERE. |
Addon Homepage: | http://homepage.eircom.net/~jackcelestia/ |
Creator: | Jack Higgins Packaged by Frank Gregorio. |
Version: | unknown |
License: | unknown |
Added: | 2004-11-04 20:24 |
Last modified: | 2009-01-08 22:56 |
Download: | |
Mars Exploration Rovers 3DS/JPG | 1.06 MB |
Comments by visitors:
2007-10-29 14:25
#3 waffle
yeah, me to but for me its just oppurtuinity
2007-06-02 13:13
#2 anonymous
Excellent work! The only thing is, when I trry to look at spirit or oppurtuinity close-up, my computer keeps crashing :-0 What's happening?
2006-10-04 19:23
#1 John M. Dollan
Another great complete spacecraft add-on. Thanks for the hard work!