Extrasolar: Stars:
Summary: | Another flare texture. Causes bright stars to look like the " + " found in some HST photos. For pre-1.50 Versions of Celestia only. |
Description: | Yet another alternative star flare texture. Simply copy the flare.jpg file to your Celestia\textures directory. Make certain that you back up or RENAME your current flare.jpg texture though, just in case you change your mind later. NOTE: The star flare textures are no longer used in versions of Celestia after 1.4.1. |
Addon Homepage: | |
Creator: | McWgogs |
Version: | unknown |
License: | unknown |
Added: | 2005-01-05 15:06 |
Last modified: | 2008-04-17 09:30 |
Download: | |
Flare texture Replacement JPG | 20.66 kB |
Comments by visitors:
2008-04-24 02:05
#3 Lexyvil
This update is awesome, makes it somewhat more realistic =D
2005-12-25 00:28
#2 Keith
Nice to look at and it makes star fields look just like the pictures in the books. However, these four point shapes are diffraction spikes, i.e. artifacts caused by the 'spider' which holds the secondary mirror in any reflecting telescope. In other words the spikes are not real and we would not see them with our own eyes, even if we were closer to these stars. One wonders what Christmas card stars would look like had Newton not invented the reflecting telescope.
2005-01-09 19:32
#1 tanketai
great! simply great! clusters look amazing with this flare
great job
great job