Fictional: Solar Systems, Planets, etc.:
Summary: | 4k Texture of Mars, edited thoroughly with grains, saturations and contrast to produce a fantasy Mars. |
Description: | Fantasy colored 4k texture of Mars. Original texture from openuniverse.org. Please read the author's readme.txt file for detailed installation instructions. |
Addon Homepage: | |
Creator: | Bluespace |
Version: | unknown |
License: | unknown |
Added: | 2005-10-18 07:40 |
Last modified: | 2008-03-29 14:23 |
Download: | |
Fantasy Coloured Mars JPG | 1.39 MB |
Comments by visitors:
2008-03-29 14:24
#2 Bob Hegwood
Many thanks to Planetario for his helpful comments below. These comments are useful and others may wish to follow his advice.
2007-12-16 01:37
#1 Planetario
There are some addons that propose to replace a Celestia's texture by other one, as happens in this case (also in "Snowball Earth", "Blue Mars", etc.). I use the "alternative surface" method, which does not modify the original files.
1. Change the name of the new texture ("mars" for "mars-new", for example).
2. Create an SSC file (simple notepad file saved as "(any name).ssc "
3. Type in this file:
AltSurface "Fantasy Coloured Mars" "Sol/mars"
Texture "mars-new.*"
BumpMap "marsbump.*"
4. Create in Celestia/Extras a folder (any name) that includes:
a) Your file SSC
b) Sub-folder: textures/medres (or hires in this case)/mars-new
Run Celestia, go to Mars, click right button on the planet. In "Alternate Surfaces" select "Fantasy Coloured Mars". This way you can have all the alternative surfaces that you wish without changing the original texture.
(I apologize for my English.)
1. Change the name of the new texture ("mars" for "mars-new", for example).
2. Create an SSC file (simple notepad file saved as "(any name).ssc "
3. Type in this file:
AltSurface "Fantasy Coloured Mars" "Sol/mars"
Texture "mars-new.*"
BumpMap "marsbump.*"
4. Create in Celestia/Extras a folder (any name) that includes:
a) Your file SSC
b) Sub-folder: textures/medres (or hires in this case)/mars-new
Run Celestia, go to Mars, click right button on the planet. In "Alternate Surfaces" select "Fantasy Coloured Mars". This way you can have all the alternative surfaces that you wish without changing the original texture.
(I apologize for my English.)