FTP Upload Instructions

Anonymous FTP upload is the preferred way to submit add-ons over 2 MB in size. For smaller files, use the File Uploader. All add-ons should be archived in zip format, with one add-on per zip archive. Please don't upload screenshots directly, but wait for the Addon to be listed in the catalog and then upload them using the screenshot upload facility on the Addon's details page (click on the looking glass icon in the catalog).

You will need an FTP client to upload the files. We recommend FileZilla for Windows and Cyberduck for OS X. Every Linux distro should come with either gftp or kbear.

Enter the following information to connect to the upload server:
  • Protocol: ftp
  • Server:
  • Username: anonymous
  • Password: use your email address
Once you are connected, double-click on the incoming folder. The 2nd folder from the top should be named "celestia." Drag the files you want to upload onto this folder and release them. The program should display the upload progress.

Contact Us: When the upload is complete, please send us a message via the Contact Us form and select the "I just uploaded new files" Category (please fill out all the fields). In the Message area, please provide us with the name of the add-on(s), a brief description, and any special info you would like us to include in the listings. If this is your first time submitting an add-on to us, please also let us know under what name you would like us to list your files in our Creators listing

and if we should include your e-mail address or possibly the URL of your homepage (if you have a Celestia-related one).

Page Update: The web page listings are updated by volunteers, so it can take quite a while for your uploaded add-on to make it into the catalog. Please provide all the information necessary to create a complete entry to help us update the catalog quickly.
Thank you for your contribution, making the Celestia universe more complete! home page Page last updated: Mar 30, 2005