The Celestia Motherlode (CM) is a web site that redistributes files listed on this site, as provided by their creators, either via them uploading their files to the CM web site, or by allowing free downloads of their files from their web site. All Copyrights are fully retained by the file creators. Additional Copyrights may apply to files included in archive files, and are also retained by their creators. No claims of ownership of any file are made by CM. We believe that all files on CM, including their contents, are freely distributable for NON-commercial use. However, we depend on assertions made by the file creator that these files are unrestricted. If you believe that this is not the case, please notify us of the file name in question, and on what page it is located. Upon notification, we will remove download access to the file while we investigate your claim. Please also contact the file creator directly about this matter. To do so, their email address may be included in a text file contained within the archive file. Or, navigate to the page where the file is accessible and click on their name, if it is a link. This will point your browser to the creator's web site. Then, look for a contact email address on their homepage. |